Education Reform Initiative`s policy note on private tutoring

Recently, Turkish government announced a policy plan which demands that private tutoring centers will either be closed down or be relocated in the formal education system by converting themselves into private schools. The government proposal caused a big -and controversial- public debate on various aspects of private tutoring, particularly in terms of its effects on education outcomes, equality of opportunity in society, and on who benefits from private tutoring and how much.

The Education Reform Initiative (ERI) has recently published a policy note with the aim to make an informed and constructive contribution to the public debate in Turkey on private tutoring centers. Please click here to read the report. ERI hopes that this policy note and its findings will benefit both academics and policymakers, and that the report can play a useful role in shaping education policy in Turkey.

Education Reform Initiative (ERI) was launched in 2003, with the aim of improving education policy and decision-making through empirical research, advocacy, and training. ERI mobilizes a wide range of stakeholders in participatory education policy processes to attain its goal of “quality education for all.”


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